Sarah, Charlie, Lara, Alice and Bronte (Left to right) at the Spalding Entrance sign planting day.
13 Barn Owl nesting boxes were distributed to members who had ordered the. These were subsidised by the Landcare Group by 50%.
From time to time, we hold a seed collection day to collect material for members to use either to propagate their own plants or in direct seeding activities on their properties, or for local schools to use to propagate plants to use in local plantings
From time to time, we hold a seed collection day to collect material for members to use either to propagate their own plants or in direct seeding activities on their properties, or for local schools to use to propagate plants to use in local plantings
Bat Boxes have been made and placed in trees at suitable sites on members' properties. Before making the boxes, we held a Bat Workshop with the assistance of the local NRM Officer, and learnt what bats were living in the area, and what their requirements for nesting sites were.
Plant propagation, either by group members or by children at local schools, is carried out each year. The Group is
a member of Trees For Life from whom we purchase tube stock annually.
a member of Trees For Life from whom we purchase tube stock annually.
Workshops and Field Days are held regularly, on topics that are of interest to Group Members and to the Community
Environmental Days have been held for local schools, with to teach them about our local fauna and flora, geology, insects and waterways.